Flex Manager
De top 21218 Flexmanagers van Nederland
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Projekt Manager

Projekt Manager

Work Experience

• CEO, President (Oct. 2006 - today)
-Reduce and redimension existing company (12 to now 3 employees)
-Stabilize company
-Strategic responsibility
-Managing daily business
-Managing current and developing future partner relationships
-Managing current and developing future customer relationships

• Manager of Professional Services (Feb 05 - Sep 06)
-Project Manager of several pilot project to intoduce and establish collaboration software
-Managing Customer Support
-Supporting projects with other project managers
-Keep overview of all projects
-Conceptional work for company, defining milestones, defining project management process
-System partner support and developing of training data

• Project Leader for development of a Cisco Contact Center Course (Apr - Jul 2004)
-Managing a 6 person project team
-Timing with customer
-Coordination with customer
-Reviewing of course content
-Developing of course content

-Strategic responsibility
-Managing daily business
-Managing current and developing future partner relationships
-Managing current and developing future customer relationships

• mProject (own company) (2002 - 2003)
-Translation of technical documents and web pages from german to english for a Swiss company
-Several small IT Projects
-Organizing Sport Events

• Managing a 10 person office with two units (R&D and Sales) (2000 - 2001)
-Sales Coordination with Switzerland
-Maintaining Partner Relationships
-R&D Project Manager
-Coordination of Support in NA
-Supervise Administration

• Project Leader on numerous projects, ranging from small scale to multi-million dollar projects (1999 - 2000)
-Requirements Definition
-Milestones Definition
-Time Planning
-Coordination with Customer/Partner

• Development Team member for a critical Y2K mediation project (1998 - 2000)
-Requirements and Design
-Mediation included: Check for bad records, call assembly, conversion from BDF to BAF (Bellcore Standard)
-Developing in C/C++ on Solaris (Workshop)
-GUI Design and Implementation
-Parts porting from Cobol
-Testing (including writing test plan and execute it)
-24/7 Support
-Regression Testing Automation

• Designed and developed a process for the Trouble Ticketing System Remedy (1996 - 1998)
-Requirements and Design
-User Documentation
-Workflow Definition
-GUI Design
-Course and Presentation for Customer

• 2nd and 3rd line support for the NMS for cash machines (1995 - 1996)
-Off site and on site development
-On call
-C/C++ on Solaris

• Designed, developed and tested a cash machine network management system for the Swiss Post (1994 - 1995)
-X.25 interface implementation
-C/C++ on Solaris
-Requirements, Design and Implementation
-GUI Design and Implementation
-Testing (also on life network)


Inf. Ing. HTL (1992 - 1996)
El. Ing. (apprenticeship) (1988 -1992)


Project Management


deutsch (muttersprache)
englisch (verhandlungssicher)
französisch (schulkenntnisse)


bewahre in stressigen situationen die übersicht und ruhe


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