Flex Manager
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Manager de transition / Interim Manager

Manager de transition / Interim Manager

Work Experience

Econcern International Netherlands 12 / 2008 to 06 / 2009
Function Transition Manager Evelop France
Sector Renewable energy (wind on land, wind off shore, solar, biogas)
Projects development
Staff 20 – direct management on 10 persons
Turnover 0 (no project closed until June 2009).
Challenge Organization after merge with a local company
Reboot of projects considered as loosed, 4 building permit requested
Political lobbying at high level (up to the Senate)
Set up of new reporting, accountancy control.
Downsizing plan of 75 % of staff
Heavy Cost reduction plan

Fourcroy – ISPC International Belgium 06 / 2005 to 10 / 2008
Function Interim Manager – Business Units Director
Export director ad interim
Project leader “shop of the future”
Sector Retail On Trade for top gastronomy (hotels, restaurants, caterings…)
Mega shops (7.000 m2) with daily 45.000 products available
Fresh, dry, frozen, non-food thru 14 departments
Staff 220 – direct management on 16 persons
Turnover 82.000.000 euro
Challenge Reorganization of BU Liège and Gent
Introduction of HACCP standards
Reorganization of delivery (14 trucks), 25 % of Turnover
Implementation of Activity Based Managements system
Commercial management
Export organization (Seychelles, Maldives, Africa, Greece, IK…)
Project management “shop of the future” – 20.000.000 euro investment

Veolia (ex Biffa Belgium) Belgium 06 / 2001 to 05 / 2005
Function Interim Manager – Business Units Director Wallonia (3 sites)
Sector Waste management
Staff 215 – direct management on 8 persons
Turnover 65.000.000 euro
Challenge Organization after merge with a local company
New work procedures
Introduction of safety procedures on site
Heavy investment to become one of the most important sorting installations for PMC (household waste packaging) from Belgium
Recruitment of 60 blue collars (3 shifts)
Organization of waste collection (65 trucks)
Budget, and cost control
Implementation of Activity Based Management system
Political lobbying
Sales management
Pricing and submissions calculation
H.D.P. via Essensysgroup Belgium 01 / 2001 to 06 / 2001
Function Interim Manager – General Manager
Sector Social and Human Resources services
Regarding my assignment
Family allowances
Legal tax for independents (“cotisations sociales”)
Staff 70 – direct management on 6 persons
Turnover 90.000.000 euro
Challenge Organization after heavy strike
Transition management
Opening of 2 business Units
Implementation of a system to measure the individual workload

Marine SA France 01 / 1997 to 02 / 2001
Function Interim Manager – General Manager
Sector Seafood
Staff 55 – direct management on 6 persons
Turnover 3.000.000 euro
Challenge Organization after merge with a local company
Introduction of HACCP standards for
Production of smoked fish
Prepared dishes and « charcuterie de la mer »
Introduction of safety procedures on site
Commercial development
Closing of the business due to very bad financial situation of Holding in Poland

Sita (ex Watco Belgium) Belgium 02 / 1994 to 12 / 1996
Function Interim Manager – Business Units Director (2 sites)
Sector Waste management
Staff 185 – direct management on 9 persons
Turnover 45.000.000 euro
Challenge Organization after merge with a local company
New work procedures
Introduction of safety procedures on site
Mid Kiln production (fuel for cement producer) – Increase of quality
Start of sort of construction / demolition waste (150.000 tons / year)
Start of the first PMC (household waste packaging) for Brussels city
Organization of waste collection (38 trucks)
Budget, and cost control
Implementation of Activity Based Management system
Political lobbying
Sales management
Pricing and submissions calculation
AXA Belgium Belgium 02 / 1989 to 01 / 1994
Function Human Resources manager (employee)
Sector Insurance
Staff 10 – direct management on 10 persons
Challenge Development from “nearly nothing” of:
Recruitment (up to senior management)
Trainings (technical & management)
Hays functions classification
Career planning
International trainer AXA University (situational leadership)

Belgian and African Merchant marine 08 / 1979 to 12 / 1988
Function Officer until Captain


Merchant Marine Officer Belgium 1976 to 1980
Postgraduate in Business Administration ICHEC – Brussels 1990 to 1993
Postgraduate in Business Administration Solvay – CEPAC – Brussels 1993 to 1994
Leadership – Change Management Palo Alto – USA 1991
Private airplane pilot SEPL JAR Belgium 2000 to 2002


Flexibility and quick adaptation to new situations.
Good common sense
Facts and figures
Experience in accountancy control (I developed my own reporting and Activity Based
Management tools in nearly all assignments).
Commercial minded (sales team management, major account management, political
“Hands on” manager
Development of business plan
Bank and Unions negotiations
Private airplane pilot and experience as merchant marine officer, gave me a high sense of responsibility (do not forget, if a manager does an error, it leads sometimes to a crisis, in airplane navigation, an error is sometimes deadly, for the crew, passengers but also for people on ground, that’s the difference!)


French Mother Tongues
Dutch Mother Tongues
English Fluent
Spanish Fluent
German Basic, good understand (studies under way)
Brazilian Basic, very good understand (studies under way)


Short term assignments

Target Belgian National Police
Assignment Assessment tests for Officer with responsibility over at least 600 persons
Period 2000

AGF Insurance
Target Development of Bank products
Assignment Development of strategically training program for bank products
Coach of training manager
Period 1994

Fiers & Demey (Gent)
Target Exel Logistics
Assignment Analysis of Human Resources process for 8 sites in Belgium
Proposition for
Activity Based Management tools
Period 1994

Two 4 Two
Target Part of AMP (Agence Messagerie de la Presse)
Assignment Coach of Commercial Director
Period 2003

Région Wallonne (as confirmed consultant)
Target Van Geel Electrical (Charleroi)
Assignment Development strategy for a small (2Kw) wind turbine for poor countries
Market analysis
Technology analysis
Period 2001

Ecuador’s Army and Fundación Natura
Target Proposition to implement a system of waste management based on European Belgian standards
Assignment Coach of direction
Period 2002 – 2003 - 2004

Own Companies – closed today

Togethere sprl
Target Coaching and training
Assignment Coach of directors (2) in Columbia and 5 in Belgium (transport)
Period 1988 to 2001

Top Challenge sc
Target Interactive Manager’s Club
Assignment How to improve management capacities thru experience of top people and
research in management?
Own development of sales, communication and leadership trainings
Period 1990 to 2004


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