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Work Experience

10/2001 – To Present Consultant

This is a temporary contract position. I am currently working on a project for the United Nations reviewing commercial insurance claims from the Gulf War. I review translations of commercial insurance claims along with their supporting documentation to determine if the claim falls within UN guidelines and then prepare a detailed report making a recommendation to pay, partially pay, or not pay the claim. I attend meetings with a UN Panel in Geneva to review completed work and make any required amendments.

07/2001 – 10/2001 Unemployed
After resigning from Horwath Clark Whitehill I decided to have a break during the summer.

09/2000 – 07/2001 Senior Manager, Litigation Support/Forensic Accounting
Horwath Clark Whitehill, Chartered Accountants
London, UK

As a Senior Manager in a firm of Chartered Accountants, I trained junior accountants, conducted fraud investigations and provided forensic accounting support to firms of solicitors who requested our assistance in preparing cases for both criminal and civil court proceedings. We provided litigation related services with regard to high net worth divorces, personal injury, commercial disputes, and fraud investigations (instigated by the SFO, Customs and Excise and Inland Revenue. Horwath Clarke Whitehill has only been involved in litigation support for defence work and I was hired to develop a section within Litigation Support specialising in prosecution cases. They later determined that prosecution work would over stretch personnel resources and decided not pursue it for at least two years. I resigned because the job I was hired to perform did not materialise.

10/1999 – 09/2000 Internal Audit Manager, Commercial Division
Cox Insurance Holdings, PLC
London, UK

Cox Insurance Holdings is a major Lloyds broker/underwriter. As Internal Audit Manager for the Commercial Division I was responsible for risk management, project management and assisting in the performance of Internal Audit projects throughout the Group with specific responsibility for managing internal audit work within the Commercial Division. My primary responsibilities were to identify key business and system risks, evaluate associated controls and processes, ensure compliance with internal audit standards and external regulations, make recommendations to improve the control environment and the efficiency of business operations, and develop and maintain a good relationship with the Group’s line mangers. In addition to audit work within Cox, I was selected to conduct an audit of the British Insurers Atomic Energy Commission.

06/1998 – 10/1999 Senior Auditor
Loder Drew & Associates, Limited
Finchley, UK

Loder Drew is a professional auditing firm specialising in Accounts Payable recoveries along with other specialised auditing services. As a senior auditor I conducted an examination of client’s disbursements locating duplicate and overpayments and making recoveries on behalf of the client. I provided a full written assessment of the client’s operations making recommendations for improvements in operational procedures, cost savings, efficiency, computer systems, and risk control.

02/1997 - 06/1998 Analyst (Banking Supervisor)
Supervision and Surveillance
Bank of England
London, UK

In the Major UK Banks Division, I worked closely with another Analyst in supervising the activities of a major UK bank. We were responsible for insuring capital adequacy was met and maintained, large exposure limits were not breached, liquidity was maintained, and that the supervised bank was in full compliance with all UK banking regulations. I managed the inspection of bank operations and administration from retail to commercial and mortgage services to treasury operations; addressing the ‘fitness’ of banking officers and managers to hold their positions. The bank I supervised was one of the first to under go RATE, the new risk assessment program for UK banks. It took approximately four months to complete a full risk assessment from initial planning of the work to issuing a final report in January 1998. At the end of February 1998, I moved into the Japanese Division, where I managed the supervision of three Japanese banks (a trust, regional, and city bank). My overall responsibilities remained the same, and including producing a full risk assessment on all three banks. Bank supervision in the Japanese Division required a high level of diplomacy and sensitivity due to language differences and the financial situation in Japan and the Far East. Both positions (in Major UK Banks and the Japanese Division) required regular attendance a high level meetings with bank CEOs, directors, managers and officers, their reporting accountants, internal auditors, and liaison with other regulatory bodies (the PIA, SFA, IMRO, SIB, etc.) along foreign bank regulators. I resigned from the Bank of England at the end of May because I did not want to accept the mandatory transfer to the Financial Services Authority.

11/1996 - 02/1997: Financial Reporting Manager
Duracell (UK) Limited
Three Bridges, Crawley, West Sussex, UK

This was a four-month contract position (secured through Hays Accountancy). I prepared monthly-consolidated management accounts (for 18 European offices and the UK) and a monthly budget (on a rolling 12 month forecast) for income and expenses. Because Duracell UK is a subsidiary of an American company, my responsibilities encompassed preparation of the annual consolidated 10K forms for filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. In December 1996 Gillette bought Duracell. It was then necessary to prepare two sets of monthly-consolidated management accounts (one based on Duracell’s year-end and a second for Gillette’s year-end). An additional set of 10Ks was also required based on Gillette’s fiscal year. I was offered an additional 10-month contract, but declined as I had received an offer of a permanent position with the Bank of England.

08/1995 –11/1996 Unemployed

During this period my husband and I moved from the USA to the UK. We spent four months travelling and house hunting. In January 1996 we purchased a home and had our household goods delivered only to discover over £15,000 in damage. My time for the next few months was taken up negotiating with insurance adjusters and furniture restorers until the majority of our belongings had been repaired.

05/1993 - 08/1995: Project Manager
United States Department of Defence (DoD)
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

I was Alternate Project Manager for the NULO-UDD Project. We were charged with the responsibility of reducing an outstanding $55 Billion in US Army overpayments to contractors by 50% within 18 months. I monitored the work of audit teams, which I assigned to the project, and attended monthly off-site meetings, reporting progress on the project to DoD, Department of the Army, and Congress. The overpayments were a result of duplicate payments made by DoD, clerical errors in allocating payments, and fraudulent multiple billings from contractors. I was responsible for managing several large teams of auditors and accountants, at remote sites, who were auditing and reconciling Department of the Army contracts. After serving 18 months on the NULO-UDD Project, and exceeding our goal in reducing the overpayments (we achieved a 55% reduction), I received an award from the Assistant Secretary of the Army and was promoted to Project Manager for U.S. Army Cash Management. As a Certified Government Financial Manager, I monitored each Army installation\'s disbursements to vendors (foreign and non-foreign), against interest penalties incurred and discounts lost, to insure they did not exceed payment constraints as set by Congress. Maintaining close contact with each installation, I provided advice and assistance as required and reported monthly results to the Department of the Treasury. Both projects required high levels of customer service, as my customers were the Department of the Army and Congress.

05/1988 - 05/1993: Revenue Agent/Fraud Investigator
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.

Working independently (on civil and criminal tax fraud investigations), I reviewed tax returns selecting for examination those with significant tax fraud potential. I also accepted cases for investigation, which were referred from the Criminal Investigation Division (CID). Making a preliminary assessment of the issues to be examined based on an analysis of the return, knowledge of tax law and accounting principles, knowledge of various fraud techniques and schemes, and consideration of current economic and industry conditions; I performed detailed audits of Sub-Chapter S and C corporations, partnerships, sole proprietors, and the related individual returns of corporate officers, shareholders, and partners. I inspected returns for large, unusual, and questionable items, basing my decisions about the significance of an issue on the comparative and absolute size of the item, it\'s inherent character, and it\'s relationship to other items on the return. Each examination included a full audit to assess adequate internal control, adherence to GAAP, compliance with the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations, Revenue Rulings, Federal Court Decisions, and an analysis of the balance sheet and financial statements. My work also required that I conduct a full investigation on all corporate officers, partners, and senior management regarding their lifestyle, property holdings (land, homes, boats, vehicles), bank accounts, and other personal information, which could shed light on unreported income. This required a considerable amount of investigation outside a normal audit scope and extensive contacts with third parties (approximately fifty percent of which were by telephone and personal visit). I gathered information on the accounting and financial systems (used by entities under examination) in order to conduct a fair and accurate audit and to make a determination if any tax liability was a result of simple error, misinterpretation of tax law and regulations, negligence, or civil/criminal fraud. I prepared examination reports to reflect the audit steps taken and to support my examination conclusions. These served as the basis for changes to tax liability and were ready for submission to Federal Court, should it be necessary. I discussed complicated tax law and my proposed adjustments (along with the reasons for assessing fraud and any other penalties) with lay people, tax attorneys, Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), Enrolled Agents, corporate officers, shareholders, and partners. I prepared detailed reports and referrals for the I.R.S. Criminal Investigation Division, I.R.S. District Counsel, and the U.S. Justice Department. I testified in Federal Court on behalf of the U.S. government and participated as a member of the I.R.S. Speaker\'s Bureau, preparing and delivering presentations to the media regarding various I.R.S. programs. I was successful in negotiating and securing paid agreements to large tax deficiencies and fraud penalties. During my five years with the IRS, I received two Manager\'s Awards, two Letters of Appreciation from the I.R.S. District Director, two Letters of Appreciation from the Criminal Investigation Division, and a Commendatory Reviewer\'s Report. I left when offered a promotion with the Department of Defence

01/1987 – 05/1988: Unemployed

My husband and I relocated from the U.K. to the U.S.A. to care for my disabled mother. I engaged in some temporary accounting and auditing work, but nothing of significance, as I could not leave my mother alone for long periods of time.

07/1986 - 12/1986: Accountant/Auditor
Jonathan Wren Temporary Agency
Prudential Bache Securities
London, U.K.

On a temporary six-month assignment, I audited and reconciled London Metal Exchange accounts (for both futures and spot trading); bank accounts; and foreign broker accounts, which were held in British Sterling, Deutsche Marks, French Francs, and Swiss Francs. These accounts had been out-of-balance for several months. I corrected all existing discrepancies and was able to secure large adjustments in favour of Bache from various banks and brokerage houses.

10/1985 - 06/1986: Operations Consultant
Jonathan Wren Temporary Agency
LHW Futures, Ltd.
London, U.K.

On a six-month contract (later extended to nine months), I served as a senior team member implementing an in-house computer system to replace Rolf & Nolan bureau service. The task required extensive knowledge of commodity futures trading and accounting. Working closely with the computer programmers, I performed procedural analysis and program testing. I supervised operations staff, analysed operational procedures and implemented changes, which enhanced overall efficiency. I evaluated computer output, made recommendations for changes and additions to increase operational effectiveness; designed computer input forms tailored for both operations and trading use; trained operations staff to use the new computer system; wrote detailed procedures manuals for both commodity operations/accounting and use of the new system. I worked closely with the programmers in system testing, information take on and parallel running of the two systems, with sole responsibility for determining when to shut down the bureau service.

03/1984 - 09/1985: Regional Accounting Manager
Nissan (UK) Limited
London, U.K.

I managed an accounting staff of 15, with monitoring authority over an additional 90 employees, to include: the Service Manager, Parts Manager, Sales Manager, and the Manager of an attached petrol station (for 3 dealerships). Reporting to the Financial Director, I was responsible for producing monthly management accounts and financial reports for Car Sales, Parts Department, Service Department and the Petrol Station. I managed accounts receivable; credit control and collections; accounts payable; payroll; petty cash; and bank deposits and reconciliations. I substantiated new and used car inventories monthly (by performing a physical count, verifying vehicle serial numbers with bills of lading), Service Department oil stocks, and petrol station deliveries and usage. On a bi-annual basis I verified Parts Department inventory. At the end of my third month I assumed accounting responsibility for an additional dealership in north London. A third dealership in South London was added to my responsibility six months later. I resigned to return to America and care for my disabled mother. Unfortunately the sale of our house fell through after I resigned and I was forced to take two temporary positions until we are able to find a new buyer.

10/1980 - 02/1984: Operations Manager - Vice President
Merrill Lynch Europe, Regional Commodity Office
London, U.K.

I was Operations Manager for the second largest commodity futures trading office within Merrill Lynch, with an Operations staff of 25 and monitoring authority over a trading (sales) force of 85. I managed the client accounting and commodity bookkeeping for commodity futures, and spot transactions, of 400 large business accounts. I held authorisation to liquidate or restrict accounts if funds were not received prior to market opening and was solely responsible for accepting and authorising delivery of gold & silver bullion and foreign currency futures contracts. I managed (and was signatory for) the office bank accounts with monthly transactions in excess of $55 million. I managed the order/execution desk, taking control when errors occurred and trading out of the incorrect position to minimise losses. I was responsible for all compliance issues, ensuring the office met the requirements of all regulatory agencies in the UK and USA, reviewing and approving all new account information to ensure complete and correct legal documentation had been received prior to commencement of trading activity. I prepared the annual Operations budget; established salary and performance levels for Operations personnel; authorised all expense accounts, office expenses and services for operations and sales (premises, cleaning and maintenance, furniture/equipment purchases and leases, repairs, and office supplies). I managed two office moves, with no disruption to trading activity. As the Regional Office, we provided trading expertise, operational support, and training to personnel from Merrill offices throughout Europe and the Mid-East. When I accepted the position, the office had not passed a Law and Compliance or Operations Audit for seven years. Within ten months of my joining we passed both. I negotiated improved deposit rates with our bankers and, for the first time, we began earning interest income; I developed a method for tracking and controlling customer deposits at Merrill Lynch International Bank which allowed the funds to remain on deposit while being used as collateral for trading activity; I reduced the annual telex costs by $250,000, and increased operational support to the sales force which enabled trading activity and revenues to more than double it\'s former level. I initiated a very high level of customer service, providing our clients with personalised report formats and confirmations tailored to meet their individual needs. I assigned one individual in operations to each account, who became the client\'s daily point of contact for agreement of margin calls, accounts balances, and positions and regularly met with clients and their accountants to insure we were providing the level of service they desired. The expertise of our traders, and the high level of customer service provided by operations, not only retained existing clients but induced new ones to move to Merrill. I was appointed a Vice President after 18 months on the job. In February 1984 I resigned to avoid a conflict of interest, when my husband (a commodity trader) was offered a senior management position with a major competitor.

09/1983 - 12/1983: Accounting Instructor (Part-Time Evenings)
Schiller International University
London, U.K.

I taught Management Accounting (part-time one evening per week while working at Merrill Lynch) to undergraduate students while employed at Merrill Lynch.

08/1979 - 09/1980: Commodity Operations Manager
Hornblower Fischer & Co., GmbH
Frankfurt, Germany

Hired as an American Accountant, my duties (initially) involved explaining double entry accounting to German clients who were having difficulty understanding their daily trading activity reports and monthly statements. In order to increase my (then) limited knowledge of commodity futures trading, I studied and sat for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Examination. Along with my accounting duties, I reviewed operational procedures and made recommendations for improvements within the firm to establish sound internal controls, reduce exposure to unsecured debt, and increase overall efficiency of the Operations Department. Within three months of passing the CFTC Examination, I was appointed Commodity Operations Manager. My responsibilities increased to include ensuring all customer orders were correctly entered by the trading staff and properly executed by the Wire and Order Department. I reviewed all new accounts, recommended credit and trading limits to the Managing Director; analysed all accounts daily before the market opened, issued margin calls to traders and clients; ensured cleared funds were received before trading activity began; and liquidated or restricted trading in accounts which failed to meet their required margin calls. I was offered a partnership in the firm at the end of my first year but declined as I did not want to remain in Germany on a permanent basis.


BOSTON UNIVERSITY, Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A
Master of Science in Business Administration - 1983

UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, College Park, Maryland U.S.A.
Bachelor of Science in Management and Accounting - 1979
Major: Accounting Minor: Psychology

Associate of Science in Liberal Arts and Management – 1978



Academy of Experts
7 Hours The Expert’s Report
7 Hours Civil Procedure Rules – Compliant Expert
7 Hours In Court

Horwath Clark Whitehill
24 Hours IDEA Software Training for Fraud Investigations

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
20 Hours Investigating By Computer
20 Hours Fundamentals of Computer Fraud
20 Hours Internal Fraud and the Auditor
20 Hours Beyond the Numbers – Professional Interviewing Techniques
20 Hours Cooking The Books – What Every Accountant Should Know
About Fraud
Bank of England
120 Hours Bank Supervision and Surveillance
40 Hours Bank Supervision and Surveillance in Practice

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
100 Hours Fraud Examination

National Career Seminars:
8 Hours How To Handle Difficult People

The Coverdale Organization:
40 Hours The Practice of Teamwork in Management
40 Hours The Harvard Negotiation Project

European Study Seminars:
8 Hours Accountancy Treatment of Commodity Transactions

London International Financial Futures Exchange:
24 Hours Administration and Accounting of London Financial Futures

Hornblower Fischer & Co., GmbH:
40 Hours Commodity Futures Markets


Department of the Treasury:

240 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase I
240 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase II
160 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase III
56 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase IV
16 Hours Ethics in Government
40 Hours Laptop Computer Training for Revenue Agents

Department of Defence:

10 Hours Operation & Management of a Finance & Accounting Office
120 Hours Military Accounting
80 Hours Advanced Managerial Accounting & Analysis
160 Hours Program Planning & Budget Execution
80 Hours Resource Management for Controllers
25 Hours Human Relations
32 Hours Word for Windows
32 Hours Excel for Windows
8 Hours Harvard Graphics
8 Hours Power Point
16 Hours Dbase IV
24 Hours Excellence In Customer Relations
3 Hours Ethics
25 Hours Report Writing
24 Hours Process Measurement


Academy of Experts
7 Hours The Expert’s Report
7 Hours Civil Procedure Rules – Compliant Expert
7 Hours In Court

Horwath Clark Whitehill
24 Hours IDEA Software Training for Fraud Investigations

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
20 Hours Investigating By Computer
20 Hours Fundamentals of Computer Fraud
20 Hours Internal Fraud and the Auditor
20 Hours Beyond the Numbers – Professional Interviewing Techniques
20 Hours Cooking The Books – What Every Accountant Should Know
About Fraud
Bank of England
120 Hours Bank Supervision and Surveillance
40 Hours Bank Supervision and Surveillance in Practice

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
100 Hours Fraud Examination

National Career Seminars:
8 Hours How To Handle Difficult People

The Coverdale Organization:
40 Hours The Practice of Teamwork in Management
40 Hours The Harvard Negotiation Project

European Study Seminars:
8 Hours Accountancy Treatment of Commodity Transactions

London International Financial Futures Exchange:
24 Hours Administration and Accounting of London Financial Futures

Hornblower Fischer & Co., GmbH:
40 Hours Commodity Futures Markets


Department of the Treasury:

240 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase I
240 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase II
160 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase III
56 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase IV
16 Hours Ethics in Government
40 Hours Laptop Computer Training for Revenue Agents

Department of Defence:

10 Hours Operation & Management of a Finance & Accounting Office
120 Hours Military Accounting
80 Hours Advanced Managerial Accounting & Analysis
160 Hours Program Planning & Budget Execution
80 Hours Resource Management for Controllers
25 Hours Human Relations
32 Hours Word for Windows
32 Hours Excel for Windows
8 Hours Harvard Graphics
8 Hours Power Point
16 Hours Dbase IV
24 Hours Excellence In Customer Relations
3 Hours Ethics
25 Hours Report Writing
24 Hours Process Measurement


Academy of Experts
7 Hours The Expert’s Report
7 Hours Civil Procedure Rules – Compliant Expert
7 Hours In Court

Horwath Clark Whitehill
24 Hours IDEA Software Training for Fraud Investigations

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
20 Hours Investigating By Computer
20 Hours Fundamentals of Computer Fraud
20 Hours Internal Fraud and the Auditor
20 Hours Beyond the Numbers – Professional Interviewing Techniques
20 Hours Cooking The Books – What Every Accountant Should Know
About Fraud
Bank of England
120 Hours Bank Supervision and Surveillance
40 Hours Bank Supervision and Surveillance in Practice

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
100 Hours Fraud Examination

National Career Seminars:
8 Hours How To Handle Difficult People

The Coverdale Organization:
40 Hours The Practice of Teamwork in Management
40 Hours The Harvard Negotiation Project

European Study Seminars:
8 Hours Accountancy Treatment of Commodity Transactions

London International Financial Futures Exchange:
24 Hours Administration and Accounting of London Financial Futures

Hornblower Fischer & Co., GmbH:
40 Hours Commodity Futures Markets


Department of the Treasury:

240 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase I
240 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase II
160 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase III
56 Hours Revenue Agent and Investigations Training, Phase IV
16 Hours Ethics in Government
40 Hours Laptop Computer Training for Revenue Agents

Department of Defence:

10 Hours Operation & Management of a Finance & Accounting Office
120 Hours Military Accounting
80 Hours Advanced Managerial Accounting & Analysis
160 Hours Program Planning & Budget Execution
80 Hours Resource Management for Controllers
25 Hours Human Relations
32 Hours Word for Windows
32 Hours Excel for Windows
8 Hours Harvard Graphics
8 Hours Power Point
16 Hours Dbase IV
24 Hours Excellence In Customer Relations
3 Hours Ethics
25 Hours Report Writing
24 Hours Process Measurement


Certified Professional Manager (CM) # 05898 - Association of Certified Professional Managers

Certified Business Manager (CBM) #0414 – Association of Professionals in Business Management

Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) # 0388 - Association of Government Accountants

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) # 32310 - Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

Academy Certified Diplomate – Forensic Examiner (ACD) #222 – American Academy of Certified Consultants & Experts

Institute of Certified Fraud Examiners
Institute of Management Accountants
Association of Government Accountants
Institute of Certified Professional Managers
American Association of University Women
American Association of Women Accountants
Association of Certified Internal Auditors
The American College of Forensic Examiners
American Academy of Certified Consultants & Experts


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